24 septembra 2022

Translations - Akallabêth ("Atlantída" by Miro Žbirka and Kamil Peteraj in P-AdW Adunaic)

A hypothetical translation of the real world song Atlantída ("Atlantis", from the album Sezónne lásky) written and composed by Miroslav Žbirka and Kamil Peteraj, performed by Miroslav Žbirka. Translated from the song's original Slovak language lyrics and their English language translation, into P-AdW Adunaic.

Preklady - Akallabêth ("Atlantída" od Mira Žbirku a Kamila Peteraja v P-AdW adunajčine)

Hypotetický preklad reálnej piesne Atlantída (album Sezónne lásky), napísanej a zloženej Miroslavom Žbirkom a Kamilom Peterajom, spieva Miroslav Žbirka. Preložené z pôvodného slovenského znenia piesne a jej anglického prekladu, do P-AdW adunajčiny.

18 septembra 2022

Translations - "Anduin Flow" (Orinoco Flow in P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron)

A hypothetical translation of the real world song Orinoco Flow by singer Enya into P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron.

Of course, the geographic names are translated in such a manner, as to better fit into Tolkien's Legendarium. This also extends to the title of the song: Our translations into P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron are titled Anduin Flow, not Orinoco Flow.

Preklady - "Anduin Flow" (Orinoco Flow v P-AdW adunajčine a P-AdW západčine)

Hypotetický preklad reálnej piesne Orinoco Flow od speváčky Enya do P-AdW adunajčiny a P-AdW západčiny.

Samozrejme, so zemepisnými názvami preloženými tak, aby lepšie zapadali do Tolkienovho Legendária. Týka sa to aj názvu piesne: Naše preklady do P-AdW adunajčiny a P-AdW západčiny sa volajú Anduin Flow ("Prúd Anduinu"), nie Orinoco Flow ("Prúd Orinoca").

06 januára 2022

Translations - "The King Beneath the Mountains" in P-AdW Westron

Hypothetical translation of Tolkien's poem and song The King Beneath the Mountains, which appears in The Hobbit and represents a certain prophecy about the return of the dwarven king to the Lonely Mountain (Erebor), into the Kingdom Under the Mountain. This song is sung by the people of Lake-town and its surrounding area, but for them, it no longer represents anything other than a certain folktale. Let's look at what it could, theoretically, sound like in reconstructed, P-AdW Westron.