06 januára 2022

Translations - "The King Beneath the Mountains" in P-AdW Westron

Hypothetical translation of Tolkien's poem and song The King Beneath the Mountains, which appears in The Hobbit and represents a certain prophecy about the return of the dwarven king to the Lonely Mountain (Erebor), into the Kingdom Under the Mountain. This song is sung by the people of Lake-town and its surrounding area, but for them, it no longer represents anything other than a certain folktale. Let's look at what it could, theoretically, sound like in reconstructed, P-AdW Westron.



The King beneath the mountains,
    The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
    Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
    His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
    To songs of yore re-sung.

The woods shall wave on mountains
    And grass beneath the sun;
His wealth shall flow in fountains
    And the rivers golden run.

The streams shall run in gladness,
    The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
    At the Mountain-king's return!


Ârû dalad urîdit,
Ârû an bora pelgin,
âr an gimil banad-khibîl
akha imab uryu thâni* !

Uryu grine inda-târkunada,
Uryu dandal inda-dârsarma,
hîl inda-rînlamba pharazla
înthmâ an-zarûrepûhî dârlînthin.

Terzâinit inda-parava urîdzê
    Ka sal
êg dalad ûret;
âuza inda-phursa imi banad-khibîl
rit yaphursa pharazmâ.

Sirîrit inda-phursa imi phârdêth,
ônit inda-hine ka (inda-)nita,
âth nûrêth kwêla ka dâurêth
    Urdu-aru rinkontze !


Related articles

Slovak language version of this article


External links

Tolkien Gateway: Lyrics of the song The King Beneath the Mountains

Adaptation of the song by the ensemble Clamavi de Profundis

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