15 decembra 2021

Translations - O Fortuna (from the Carmina Burana cycle) in Latin, English and P-AdW Adunaic

A hypothetical translation of the real medieval song O Fortuna (Oh, Fortune, the Carmina Burana cycle) from its original Latin lyrics and their English translation into P-AdW Adunaic.



The original version in Latin:

O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!





English translation based on the Latin original:

O Fortune,
Like the moon
You are changeable,
Ever waxing
Ever waning;
Hateful life
First oppresses
And then soothes
Playing with mental clarity;
And power
It melts them like ice.

Fate – monstrous
And empty,
You whirling wheel,
You are malevolent,
Well-being is vain
And always fades to nothing,
And veiled
You plague me too;
Now through the game
I bring my bare back
To your villainy.

Fate is against me
In health
And virtue,
Driven on
And weighted down,
Always enslaved.
So at this hour
Without delay
Pluck the vibrating strings;
Since Fate
Strikes down the strong,
Everyone weep with me!



And now the translation into P-AdW Adunaic:

Ôhh Amaryôz
kibê nîlut
kin arahyabân
nêlum mârad
khya nêlum miyad;
têuwkuwân manpûh
îrdô ugrudâ
ka apan zîrlida
adyalâmâ saphên lakiz;
ka abâr
hwa ûrenitê yan bê halak.

Amârn rûgan
ka lûztan
ki gwarîl rukka
ki dolhrûyî
alêmarn alûwarân
ka nêlum awînd admunê,
ka hâluwî
ki dulgakûwil yând ni;
îdô ra dyalôt
nitûr herya pârnê kâd
ada kirya lôkhtêwû.

Amârn niada
îm Alwêm
ka izindên,
ka burôdab,
nêlum malên.
Sân zê za-lûmar
kûn hamâd
tingî pardên sarmît
sâpam Amârn
pâlab abârim,
ilkâ nimâ nâinî !



Literal meaning of the translation into P-AdW Adunaic: 
Oh Fate-gift
Yu are as (the) Moon
You are changeable *
Always waxing/increasing
Or always waning/decreasing;
Hateful spirit-breath
First overshadows
And then fondles
Plays with mental clarity; **
And might
It sun-scorches them like ice
Fate monstrous
And empty
Thou whilring wheel
Thou are dark-evil
Well-being is vain
And always evaporates into nothing,
Under shadow
And veil
You dark-plague me also;
Now through that game
I bring my bare back
To your villainy.
Fate is against me
In Health
And in virtues,
Drives me towards/forwards
And burdens
Always enslaved.
So at this hour
Without delay
Pluck the trembling strings;
Since Fate
Strikes down the strong
Everyone weep with me !


* - Fate with a capital F can be personified in masculine grammatical gender, but Fortune is unpersonified and is in neuter grammatical gender. If something is an abstract concept, the Númenoreans state it in neuter gender.
** - i.e. mental clarity, a clarity of the mind, clear thinking


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