07 decembra 2021

New additions - Nouns - Settlements, buildings, housing, furniture

New vocabulary of P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron nouns related to the topic of settlements, buildings, housing and furniture.


The article is under development.




Settlements and types of settlements

  • kadar, kadîr, kadrat - pron. kadar, kadír, kadrat - "city" (sg.), "cities" (pl.), "a pair of cities", "a duo of cities" (dl.) - kadar, "city" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term (in the singular number).
  • miykadar, kadarik, miykadîr, kadîrik, miykadîrat, kadarikat - pron. miykadar, kadarik, miykadeer, kadeerik, miykadrat, kadarikat - "small town" (sg.), "small towns" (pl.), "a pair of small towns", "a duo of small towns" (dl.) - miy-, "small", kadar, "city" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic terms (in the singular number).
  • obel, obîl, obîlat - pron. obel, obíl, obílat - "small town", "bigger village" (sg.), "small towns", "bigger villages" (pl.), "a pair/duo of small towns, bigger villages" (dl.) - obel, "small town", "bigger village", "settlement" (Edain languages, influenced by the elvish terms gobel and pel) - Based on some of the known non-Adunaic Edain vocabulary. This term might have been a partial loanword from one of the elvish languages. 
  • rân, rîn, rânat - pron. rán, rín, ránat - "village" (sg.), "villages" (pl.), "a pair of villages", "a duo of villages" (dl.) - rân, "village" (W.) - Derived from the canon Westron term (in the singular number).



Dwellings and types of dwellings

  • abandûk, abanzadan, dâiradûk, dâirazadan, kûdzadan - pron. abandúk, abanzadan, dájradúk, dájrazadan, kúdzadan - "earth-dwelling", "earth-house", "pit-house", "duguout-house" - aban, "earth", "dry land", "mainland" (P-AdW), dâira, "earth", "soil" (Ad.), kûd, "hole", "opening", "burrow" (W.), dûk, "dwelling", "abode" (P-AdW), zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic and canon Westron terms and from newly derived P-AdW terms. Any subterranean house or dwelling in the manner of a pit-house, dugout house, or a hobbit-hole (smial).   
  • anrâd, anrîd - pron. anraad, anreed - "gate", "gates" - ando, "gate" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. A general term for a gate, usually an un-fortified type.
  • dûk - pron. dúk - "dwelling", "abode" - dûkan, "inhabitant (of a dwelling)", "dweller" (W.) - Derived from the canon Westron term.
  • (miy)kadar-zadan, (miy)kadar-zadîn - pron. (miy)kadar-zadan, (miy)kadar-zadeen - "townhouse", "townsman house" (sg.), "townhouses", "townsmen houses" (pl.) - kadar, "city" (Ad.), miykadar, "small town" (P-AdW), zadan, "house" (Ad.), zadîn, "houses" (P-AdW) - Literally "city/town house", "city/town houses".
  • rân-zadan, rân-zadîn - pron. rán-zadan, rán-zadín - "village house", "rural house" (sg.), "village houses", "rural houses" (pl.) - rân, "village" (W.), zadan, "house" (Ad.), zadîn, "houses" (P-AdW) - Derived from canon Adunaic and Westron terms. Literally "village house", "village houses".
  • zadan, zadîn - pron. zadan, zadeen - "house", "houses" - zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. The plural was derived by analogy, by comparing the plurals of other terms denoting human creations. 
  • terzadan, terla zadan - pron. tear- (as in "to tear") -zadan, terla zadan - "woodhouse", "wooden house" - ter, "wood" (P-AdW), zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Literally "woodhouse" and "wooden house". 
  • borzadan, borla zadan - pron. borzadan, borla zadan - "stone house" - bora, "stone" (P-AdW), zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Literally "stonehouse" and "stone house". 



Buildings and types of buildings

  • ârbanad, - pron. aarbanad - "royal court" - âr-, "royal", "kingly" (Ad.), banad, "court", "yard", "courtyard" (P-AdW) - Derived from the canon Adunaic prefix and from a newly derived P-AdW term, derived from Sindarin (and Noldorin).
  • banad, banîd - pron. banad, baneed - "yard", "court", "courtyard" (sg.), "yards", "courts", "courtyards" (pl.) - pand, "yard", "courtyard" (S.), pann, "yard", "courtyard" (N.) - Derived from the aforementioned Sindarin and Noldorin terms. A general term for a yard, court, courtyard, both paved and unpaved.
  • batâzadan, batâzadîn - pron. batázadan, batázadín - "inn" (sg.), "inns" (pl.) - batân, "road" (Ad.), zadan, "house" (Ad.), zadîn, "houses" (P-AdW) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term for "road", and from the canon Adunaic term for "house" and its newly added plural number. This is an inn in the broader sense, one that offers not only food and drink, but accomodation as well. The Prancing Pony Inn in Bree from The Lord of the Rings is a good example of such an inn. However, Tolkien notes that even at the end of the Third Age, such more sophisticated inns were still rather rare throughout Middle-earth. They occured only in larger small towns and in cities with a sufficient number of inhabitants, and a sufficient number of arriving and departing travellers. Of course, there are no hotels, restaurants or public dining rooms in Middle-earth, so public buildings like these were the closest equivalents of such more modern concepts.
  • hîmazadan, hîmazadîn (Ad.), hîmzadan, hîmzadîn (W.) - pron. hím(a)zadan, hím(a)zadín - "tavern", "alehouse", "inn" (sg.), "taverns", "alehouses", "inns" (pl.) - hîma, hîm, "beer", zadan, "house", zadîn, "house" - Derived from the canon Westron term for "beer" and its newly introduced P-AdW derivatives, and from the canon Adunaic term for a "house" and its newly added plural number. This is an inn the more narrow sense, more of a tavern or a dining hall, an inn that doesn't have to offer accomodation at all. A batâzadan can also double as this type of inn, but a hîm(a)zadan is always just an ordinary tavern, an alehouse. The majority of the inns and taverns in The Shire of the hobbits are precisely of this type. 
  • phûru - pron. fooru - "excavation", "mine", "underground hall/settlement" - Phurunargian, "Dwarven mine/excavation" (W., a more archaic toponym) - Derived from the word roots from a (more archaic) geographic name in canon Westron. See also the newly introduced P-AdW noun phurgân, "miner".
  • razadê (Ad.), razade (W.), razadêmi - pron. razadé, razade, razadémi - "shelter", "refuge" (sg.), "shelters", "refuges" (pl.) - razanur, "peregrine", "wanderer", "traveller" (W.), razna, "to travel", "to wander" (P-AdW and Neo-W), zadê, "roof", zadêmi, "roofs" (P-AdW) - Derived from the Westron terms razna, "to travel", "to wander", razanur, "pilgrim", "peregrine", "wanderer" and a newly derived term (zadê) for the word roof. In other words, it is a "shelter for pilgrims, for the wandering".
  • zadan, zadîn - pron. zadan, zadeen - "house", "houses" - zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. The plural was derived by analogy, by comparing the plurals of other terms denoting human creations.




Parts of buildings and dwellings

  • anrâd, anrîd - pron. anraad, anreed - "gate", "gates" - ando, "gate" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. A general term for a gate, usually an un-fortified type. 
  • avatu(n), avatî(n) - pron. avatu(n), avatí(n) - "window", "windows" - ava, "outside" (Q. / P-AdW), tudâ, "to see", "to gaze" (W.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and from the canon Westron term.
  • dalêm (Ad.), dalm (W.), dalmi - pron. dalém, dalm, dalmi - "floor" (sg.), "floors" (pl.) - talan, talma, "floor", "flooring", "ground level" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms.
  • kânda, kândi  - pron. kánda, kándi - "frame", "frames" - canta, "frame", "framework" "frame construction" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • ramêd (Ad.), ramd (Z.), ramîd - pron. raméd, ramd, ramíd - "wall" (sg.), "walls" (pl.) - ramba, "wall" (Q.), rammas, "great wall", "fortified wall", "rampart" (S.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and Sindarin term.
  • ramêdvag (Ad.), ramdvag (W.) - pron. ramédvag (Ad.), ramdvag (W.) - "plaster", "wall coating" - ramêd, ramd, "wall" (P-AdW), vag, "coat" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "wall coat", "wall coating".
  • târik - pron. tárik - "column" - târik, "column", "pillar" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. The term is also used in a figurative sense (e.g. the Adunaic name of the mountain Meneltama, i.e. Minul-târik, "Heaven-pillar", "Pillar of the heavens"). 
  • terkânda (both languages), ramêd-kânda, kânda an-ramêd (Ad.), ramd-kânda, kânda an-ramd (W.), zadan-kânda (both languages) - pron. terkánda, ram(é)d-kánda, kánda an-ram(é)d, zadan-kánda - "wooden/carved frame", "frame of the wall", "house frame" - These terms are used for structures with a wooden frame construction, including houses and various public buildings, especially those in the countryside and in smaller towns. 
  • tûbal - pron. túbal - "stake" - tûbal, prototype for târik, "column", "pillar" (Ad.) - Derived from Tokien's unused prototype for the canon Adunaic term for column. Compare with the newly introduced term sulan, which denotes a pole, shaft, stock, rod.
  • venad, venîd (Ad.), vend, vînd (W.) - pron. venad, veníd (Ad.), vend, vínd (W.) - "door" (sg.), "doors" (pl.) - fendë, "door" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. The definitive article form of the word "room", "interior space" is venadet, vendet in the singular and venîdit, vîndit in the plural.
  • samêb, samîb - pron. saméb, samíb - "chamber" (sg.), "chambers" (pl.) - sambë, "chamber", "room" (Q.), sambe, "chamber", "room" (EvQ) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term (it existed already in the early version of Quenya).
  • sôlan, sôlin (Ad.), solan, solîn (W.) - pron. sólan, sólin (Ad.), solan, solín (W.) - "room", "interior space" (sg.), "rooms", "interior spaces" (pl.) - solma, "hall", "room", solmar, "halls", "rooms" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. The definitive article form of the word "room", "interior space" is sôlant, solant in the singular and sôlinit, solînit in the plural.
  • zadê (Ad.), zade (W.), zadêmi - pron. zadé, zade, zadémi - "roof" (sg.), "roofs" (pl.) - zadan, "house" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term for "house".
  • zadekûd, gunkûd (sg.), zadekîd, gunkîd (pl.) - pron. zadekúd, gunkúd, zadekíd, gunkíd - "chimney" (sg.), "chimneys" (pl.) - zadê, zade, "roof", gund, "smoke" (P-AdW), kûd, "hole", "opening" (Z.) - Derived from a canon Westron term and newly introduced P-AdW terms derived from Quenya and Adunaic. Literally "roof-hole", "roof opening", "smoke-hole", "smoke hole". 




  • harav, harîv - pron. harav, harív - "seat", "chair" (sg.), "seats", "chairs" (pl.) - hanwa, "seat","chair" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • kâima, kâimî - pron. kájma, kájmí - "bed" (sg.), "beds" (pl.) - caima, "bed" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • kâlogalak, kâlogalîk (Ad.), kâlogalk, kâlogîlk (W.), kâlogîlat - pron. kálogalk, kálogalík (Ad.), kálogalk, kálogílk (W.), kálogílat - "lantern" (sg.), "lanterns" (pl.), "a pair of lanterns" (dl.) - kâlo, "svetlo", galak, galk, "cube", "box", "crate" (P-AdW) - Literally "light-box", "light-cube", "little light-crate". 
  • kâlotalab, kâlotalîb (Ad.), kâlotalb, kâlotîlb (W.), kâlotîlat - vysl. kálotalab, kálotalíb (Ad.), kálotalb, kálotílb (W.), kálotílat - "lamp" (sg.), "lamps" (pl.), "a pair of lamps" (dl.) - kâlo, "light", talab, talb, "bowl", "small bowl" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "light-bowl", "light-small-bowl". Typovo ide väčšinou o olejové alebo lojové lampky. 
  • kastagalak, kastagalîk (Ad.), kastagalk, kastagîlk (W.) - pron. kastagalak, kastagalík, kastagalk, kastagílk - "chest" (sg.), "chests" (pl.) - kastar, "treasure", "valuable" (Ad.), galak, galk, "box", "crate" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term and from a newly introduced P-AdW term. 
  • khelên, khelîn (Ad.), kelen, kelîn (W.) - pron. khelén, kheleen/khelean, kelen, keleen/kelean - "mirror", "mirrors" - kheled, "mirror", "mirroring glass" (K.), cilintilla, "mirror", "mirroring glass/surface" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Khuzdul term and Quenya term. "Mirror-mere", known in Khuzdul (dwarvish) as Kheled-zâram, would in P-AdW Adunaic be known as Khelênlôn, and in P-AdW Westron as Kelenlôn.
  • lîkala, lîkali - pron. líkala, líkali - "candle", "candles" - lícuma, "candle" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • ramêdpin, ramêdpinî (Ad.), ramdpin, ramdpinî (W.) - pron. ramédpin, ramédpiní, ramdpin, ramdpiní - "wall shelf", "wall shelves" - ramêd, ramd, "wall", pinê, "board" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly introduced P-AdW terms.
  • tharnaz (Ad.), tharnz (W.), tharnîz - pron. farnaz (Ad.), farnz (W.), farneez - "table" (sg.), "tables" (pl.) - tharan, "four" (W.), sarno, "table" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Westron term and Quenya term.



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Were there glass window panes in Middle-earth ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)


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