09 decembra 2021

New additions - Adverbs, prepositions, particles, conjunctions and interjections

New vocabulary of adverbs, prepositions, particles, conjunctions and interjections in P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron.



The article is under development.


  • apam, apan - pron. apam, apan - "then suddenly", "in that moment" - apa, "potom" (Q.) - 
  • apdô - pron. apdoo - "then" - ap-, word root for "then", "after" (P-AdW), îdô, "now" (Ad.) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term and a newly-introduced prefix. Doslova "after-now".
  • âvan - pron. aavan - "outside" - ara, ava, "outside" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. Všeobecný výraz pre "vonku", odvodený od uvedeného quenijského výrazu. Napr. Nin âvan, "Ja som vonku.". Súvisiacim prídavným menom je âva, "vonkajší", "vonkajšia", "vonkajšie".
  • âvada - pron. aavada - "out", "outwards" - ara, ava, "vonku" (Q.), -ad, -ada, "towards" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and a canon Adunaic ending suffix. Podobné slovenskému rozlišovaniu výrazov "vonku" (miesto, kde sa niečo nachádza alebo odohráva) a "von" (smer, ktorým sa niekto uberá, teda zvnútra von). Napr. Niyad âvada, "Ja idem von".
  • dênoy - pron. dénoj - "forever", "eternally" -  
  • du - pron. du - "should", "should be" - du, "should", "should be" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. V podmieňovacom spôsobe sa používa so spojovníkom (du-), pripojené k súvisiacemu slovesu.
  • êphan - pron. é-fun - "far" - êphal, "ďaleké", "vzdialené" (Ad.) - Odvodené od kánonického adunajského výrazu êphal, "ďaleké", "vzdialené". Novotvarová príslovka êphan sa vyskytuje aj vo forme êphanak, "preďaleko", "veľmi vzdialene".
  • êphanak - pron. é-phu-nuck - "far away" - êphalak, "far away", "very distant" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term êphalak, "far away", "very distant".
  • îrda - pron. eerduh, earduh - "first", "firstly", "first of" -  
  • îrnar - pron. eernar, earnar - "alone", "(in a) lonely (manner)" - 
  • lînra - pron. leenra, leanra - "many", "many-" - lin-, li(n)-, limbë, adverb and word roots of "many" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. Used separately, but in words such as "many-numbered", it uses a hyphen.
  • lûwaram (Ad.), lûvaram (W.) - pron. loovaram - "in vain", "with futility" - alwara, "márne", "zbytočné" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • mâd - pron. maad - "how" - manen, "how" (Q. adverb) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term, an adverb meaning "how".
  • mâdlinra - pron. maadlinra - "how many" - mâd, "how" (P-AdW), lînra, "many" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Doslova "ako-mnoho".
  • nadan - pron. nadan - "after" - nad-, word root for "aft", "behind" (Ad.) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term.
  • nâi - pron. nigh, naay - "maybe", "might" - nai, "maybe", "might" (Ad. - early version), nai, "might", "maybe" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and a canon Adunaic term from Tolkien's notes on earlier versions of Adunaic. V podmieňovacom spôsobe sa používa so spojovníkom (nâi-), pripojené k súvisiacemu slovesu.
  • nêlum - pron. nélum - "always" -
  • oban - pron. ob-un - "fore" - ob-, word root for "fore", "in front of" (Ad.) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term.
  • obdô - pron. ob-doo - "before" - ob-, "fore", "in front of" (Ad.), îdô, "now" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Doslova "pred-teraz".
  • obtâidô - pron. ob-tie-doo - "already" - ob-, "fore", "in front of" (Ad.), tâidô, "once" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Literally "before-now".
  • rîyê, rîya - pron. reeyé, reeya - "only", "just" - rie, "only" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • sâpam - pron. saapam - "because", "since", "due to" - pan, "since", "because" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • - pron. soo, sue -  "part", "part of" - sûza, "county", "province", "shire", "part of a land" (W.), zâyan, "krajina" (Ad.) - Derived from a canon Westron term and a related canon Adunaic term.


Prepositions (or more precisely, prepositional suffixes)

  • - - pron. -maa - "with" (generally), "to" (while talking) - -, "with" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: Narag bitha banakilmâ., "(The) Dwarf is talking with/to a hobbit."
  • - - pron. -bé - "as", "like" - -, "as", "like" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: Ki uryu attô., "You are as/like your father."
  • -ô - pron. -ó - "from" (a location, a state), "from" (someone, or some location) -ô, "from" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: Zinî unakha kadarô., "The woman arrives from the city.". 
  • - - pron. -zé - "at" (inside), "at" (outside, immediately next to something) - -, "at" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: Naru uharâra hîmazadanzé., "The man sat at the inn.", Tamar utârlu abanakzê. "The smith is standing at the wagon."
  • - pron. -ré - "at", "by", "near" - har, har-, "near", "near-" (Q.), -, "at" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and the canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: Kirê zadan(e)t., "You are near the house."
  • im, imi - pron. im, imi - "in", "within", "inside" - im, imi, "v", "vo", "vnútri" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms. Loaned from Quenya, practically an identical set of terms.This is one of the few conventional prepositions in P-AdW Adunaic and Westron, used as typical prepositions are used in Slovak and English, not as suffix (endings) with a prepositional function.
  • imab - pron. imab - "into", "(towards the) inside" - im, imi, "in", "within", "inside" (P-AdW.) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced term and the newly-introduced suffix -nab (see below).
  • ano - pron. ano - "about whom", "about what" - 
  • auda - pron. auda - "just above", "on/upon something" (specifically), "on it" (abstract) -  - Examples: In sentences such as "on the meadow", "upon the meadow", "the wind blows on the meadow", but also "count on it". Odvodené od kánonických adunajských predpôn a prípon.
  • -nud - pron. -nud - "on", "on someone/something" - -nud, "on" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic ending suffix. Examples: In sentences such as "fear was/had fallen on him" worries were/had fallen on him", "marks were carved on the surface of the door", and so on.
  • -nab - pron. -nab - "onto", "upon", "onto someone/something" - -nud, "on" (Ad.), -ad, -ada, "towards" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic ending suffixes. Examples: In sentences such as "he played (upon) the harp", "he boarded (onto) the ship/wagon", and so on.



  • aran (W.), arn (W.) - pron. aran (Ad.), arn (W.) - "but", "however" -  
  • du - pron. du - "should", "by" - Derived from the canon Adunaic term for the "should-it-" auxilliary verb.
  • ka - pron. ka - "and" - kadô, "and so" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term for "and so".
  • khya (Ad.), hya (W.) - pron. khya (Ad.), hya (W.) - "or" -   - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.



  • adâr - pron. adaar - "again", "once more", "ever", "ever-more" -
  • - pron. baa - "no-", "not", "un-" - , "no-", "not", "un-" (Ad.) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term, a canon Adunaic particle and prefix for "no", "not", "un-".
  • - pron. doo (-oo as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "so" - kadô, "and so" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term for "and so".
  • îdô - pron. eedoo (-oo as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "now" - 
  • kîw (Ad.), kîv (W.) - pron. keev - "if" - qui, "if" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • tâidô - vysl. tie-doo - "once" - 
  • tenra - vysl tenra - "until", "till'" -



  • Aha-ha-ha-ha ! or Âiha-ha-ha-ha ! - "Ha-ha-ha-ha !", "Cha-cha-cha-cha !" - Hypothetical form of our interjections denoting laughter, e.g. our "Ha-ha-ha-ha !", in P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron. The point is that the expanded version of both of these Tolkien languages should also include believable-sounding interjections, but ones that sound like they are from another, fictional world.
  • Alyâ ! - pron. Alyaa ! - "Hurray !","Glorious !", "Great !" - alayambo, "hurray" (EvQ) - Derived from a term that can be found in the vocabulary of an early version of Quenya. 



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