08 decembra 2021

New additions - Nouns - Ethnicities, demonyms, lands and placenames

New vocabulary of P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron nouns related to the topics of  names for ethnicities and nationalities, demonyms (terms for peoples and ethnicities), country names and demonyms.



The article is under development.

The ethnicities of Middle-earth and wider Arda

  • Azûla, Azûlaim, Azûlnas - pron. Azúla, Azúlaim, Azúlnas - "Easterling" (sg.), "Easterlings" (pl.) - azûl, "east" (Ad.), -aim, suffix for "people", "folk", "cultural group" (Ad./P-AdW), nas, "people" (W.) - Literally "Easterlings", "Eastern-Men", "Eastern-People".
  • Gulnil, Gulnaim, Gulnas - pron. Gulnaim, Gulnas - "Dalemen", "Men of Dale" - gul, "valley", "dale", "dell" (W.), -aim, suffix for "people", "folk", "cultural group" (Ad./P-AdW), nas, "people" (W.) - Literally "Dale-Men", "Dale-people", "Dale-folk".
  • Kharanâ, Kharanâi, (Ad.), Haranâ, Haranâi (W.) - pron. (k)haranaa, (k)hara-nigh - "wildman", "Drúedain" (sg.), "wildmen", "Drúedain" (pl.) - Also known as Woses. The term can also be used in a general sense of "wildman/savage", "wildmen/savages", "a pair of wildmen/savages", but it also works as a term denoting the Drúedain as a separate and more archaic form of Men in Middle-earth, distinct from the "big" people (i. e. us), the hobbits, as well as the Beornings. If someone decides to write about the Drúedain as an ethnicity/nationality, they will write these three terms with capital starting letters, the same as with the names of other ethnictities/nationalities of Middle-earth. Otherwise the term only uses a non-capitalized starting letter. 
  • Lôzil, Lôzaim, Lôznas - pron. Lózanim, Lóznas - "Lossoth", "Snow-folk" - lôz, "snow", (P-AdW), -aim, prípona pre "ľudí", "ľud" (Ad./P-AdW), nas, "ľud" (Z.) - Literally "Snow-people", "Snow folk".
  • Nimruzîrim - pron. Nimruzeerim - "Elf-friends", "the Faithful", "Elendili (Elendil's followers)" - Nimruzîr, "Elf-friend", i.e. "Elendil" (Ad.), Nimruzîrim, "Elf-friends", "Elendili (Elendil-followers)" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic terms for the (especially Númenorean) followers of future king Elendil, son of Amandil, who opposed the "King's Men" faction of Númenor, supporters of the last Númenorean king Ar-Pharazôn. Because the Adunaic form of Elendil's name is Nimruzîr,  the Elendili were accordingly translated by Tolkien as the Nimruzîrim.
  • Phurutil, Phurutaim, Phurutnas - pron. Phurutil, Phurutaim, Phurutnas - "Northmen", "Men of the North" - phurut, "north" (P-AdW), -aim, suffix for "people", "folk", "cultural group" (Ad./P-AdW), nas, "people" - The names applied to the Northmen nations and ethnicities of Middle-earth, especially of Rhovanion, e.g. the Dalemen, Lakemen (and their united Barding successors), the Beornings, the Woodmen of Mirkwood, Vidugavia's people, and the ancestors of the Rohirrim, the Éothéod.  
  • Urugenil, Urugenilîm, Urugenas - pron. Urugenil, Urugenileem, Urugenas - "Beorning" (sg.), "Beornings" (pl.), "Beorn's people" - urug, "bear" (Ad.), Urugen, Beorn's hypothetical name in Westron (P-AdW), - il, suffix used for a member of an ethnicity or a group (Ad./P-AdW), -îm, suffix for "people", "folk", "cultural group" (Ad./P-AdW), nas, "people" - Literally thus Bear-folk or Beorn's people.



Placenames and geographic names - Númenor

  • Adûnimrulôna - pron. Adoonimruloona (-oo- in "-loona" pron. like in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "Eldalondë" - Adûnimri, "Eldar" (P-AdW), lôna, "port", "harbour", "haven" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. 
  • Anadûnê - pron. Anadooneh - "Westernesse", "Númenor" - Anadûnê, "Westernesse", "Númenor" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. The most straightforward name the Númenoreans used for the island of Númenor, their homeland, in their own language of Adunaic (i.e. the Númenorean language). The meaning of the name is identical in the elvish term (Númenore) and the Adunaic term (Anadûnê), both of them meaning "West-land", "West-realm", "Westernesse". The Adunaic name for Númenor is apparently based on the Adunaic adjectival term anadûni, "western", or the genitival "of" construct an-Adûn, "of-the-West". Per the grammar rules of Adunaic established by Tolkien, the -ê suffix indicates a feminine gender. This is thus a figurative, personified term, because non-living and abstract things and concepts, such as lands and countries, are always neuter-gender in Adunaic. Anadûnê is thus a feminine-gendered personification for the whole island, the Númenorean homeland. 
  • Arminalêth - pron. Arminaléth - "Armenelos", "Arminalêth" - Armenelos, "Armenelos", "Arminalêth", "Royal Heavens Fortress" (Q.), ar-, "royal" (Q.), menel, "heaven" (Q.), ost, "fort", "fortress" (Q.), Arminalêth, "Royal Heavens Place ?" (Ad.) - Canon Quenya term and canon Adunaic term for the capital city of Númenor.
  • Azûlôna - pron. Azooloona (-oo- in "-loona" pron. like in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "Rómenna" - azûl, "east" (Ad.), lôna, "port", "harbour", "haven" (P-AdW) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term and a newly-introduced term.
  • Ûrenadûnê - pron. Oorenadooné - "Andúnië" - ûrenadûn, "sunset" (P-AdW) - Derived from a newly-introduced term.




Placenames and geographic names - Eriador

  • Adûn-azurîd - pron. Adoon-azureed - "the Western Isles" - adûn, "west" (Ad.), azurud, "island" (P-AdW), azurîd, "islands" (P-AdW) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term and from newly-introduced terms.
  • Adûnmênaz, Mênaz an-Adûn (Ad.) Adûnmenas, Menas an-Adûn (W.) - pron. Adoonménaz, Ménaz an-Adoon, Adoonmenas, Menas an-Adoon - "Annúminas" ("West-Tower") - adûn, "west" (Ad.), mênaz, "tower", menas, "tower" (P-AdW), an-, "of" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms and newly-introduced P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron terms. Literally "West-Tower" or "Tower of-the-West" in P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron.
  • Âruzâyan - pron. Aaruzaayan - "Arnor", "Kingdom of Arnor" - âru-, "royal", "kingly", obj. c. (Ad.), zâyan, "land", "country" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Literally "King-land", based on the etymology of its name in elvish languages ("Land of the King"). Compare with the P-AdW term for "kingdom", i.e. ârzâyan. (A phrase like "the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor" would be "ârzâin an Âruzâyan ka Borzâyan" in P-AdW, or "ârzâint an Âruzâyan ka Borzâyan" if you would want to use the definite article in "the kingdoms".)
  • Banakilrân - pron. Banakilraan - "Hobbiton" - banakil, "halfling", "hobbit" (W.), rân, "village" (W.) - Derived from canon Westron terms. Literally "Village of the hobbits", "Village of the halflings".
  • Bawêmab (Ad.), Bavêmab (W.) - pron. TBA - "Weathertop" - bawâb, "wind" (Ad.), bavâb, "wind" (P-AdW-W.), êmab, "hill" (P-AdW) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term and a newly-introduced P-AdW term. Literally "Wind-Hill", "Windy-hill" in P-AdW Adunaic ("w" only) and P-AdW Westron ("v" only). Based on the elvish version of the name, Amon Súl, which means the same thing ("Hill of Wind"). 
  • Bâtigmar - pron. Baatigmar - "Tharbad" - batân, "road" (Ad.), igmil, "something in the shape of a star", "something in the shape of a cross", "crossing", "cross-shape" (Ad.), bâtigma, "crossroads" (P-AdW), -ar ending from kadar, "city" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms and a newly-introduced term. The elvish name of the city, Tharbad, means "Road-crossing", "Crossroads".  
  • Brandagambhôl - pron. Brandagambhall - "Brandy Hall" - Brandagamba, the "Brandybuck" family (W.), hôl, "room", "hall" (P-AdW) - Derived from canon Westron and from a newly-introduced P-AdW term. Literally "Brandy Hall" in P-AdW Westron.
  • Dalmuborîn - pron. TBA - "Staddle" - dalm, "floor" (P-AdW-W.), bora, "stone" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms for "floor" and "stone", denoting foundation stones of a house or houses in a settlement, a nod at the real world etymology of Staddle. Literally "Foundation-Stones-ton", because "Staddle" is derived from similar meanings in English.
  • Êmaba, Êmabobel - pron. Émaba, Émabobel - "Bree" - êmab, "hill" (P-AdW), obel, "town" (EdL/P-AdW) - Derived from a canon early Edain language term and newly-introduced P-AdW term. Literally "Hill", "Hill-town" in P-AdW Westron. By "town", I mean a market town, a bigger village. 
  • Êphala mabzâin - pron. TBA - "Far Downs" - êphal, "far", "distant" (Ad.), êphala, "far", "distant" (P-AdW), mabzâin, "hilly country", downs" (P-AdW) - Derived from a canon Adunaic term and newly-introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "Far Hilly-country", i.e. "far downs".
  • Gambôzd - pron. Gum- (as in "chewing gum") -boozd (-oo- as in "door" or "hall") - "Bucklebury" - Gamba, "Bucca" (W.), -ôzd, "-burg", "-bury", "-fort" (P-AdW) - Derived from canon Westron (the given name of Bucca, i.e. Gamba) and newly-introduced P-AdW term (the P-AdW Westron variation of "fort", "fortress", in the sense of "-bury", "-burgh").
  • Gulrân - pron. Gulraan - "Combe" - gul, "valley" (W.), rân, "village" (W.) - Derived from canon Westron terms. Literally "Combe-village", "Valley-village", "Combe-ville". Based on the real world English folk term combe, "valley", "dell", "dale", itself originating from Celtic language words for "valley" (e.g. compare with Modern Welsh cwm and similar).
  • Hisînlôna - pron. Hiseenloona (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "Grey Havens" - hisîn-, "grey-" (P-AdW), lôna, "port", "harbour", "haven" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly introduced terms. The long-lived elvish port city of Lindon in northwest Eriador, in other words, the Grey Havens.
  • Karningul - pron. Karningul - "Rivendell" - karnin, "cloven", "riven" (W.), gul, "valley", "dell", "dale", "vale" (W.) - Canon Westron term, no derivation or modification. Literally "Riven-valley", "Riven-dell", "Cloven-dell". Karningul is one of the few canon Westron placenames we have directly from professor Tolkien. 
  • Karsôzd Gul, Karsôzd-gul or Karasagul - pron. Karsoozd (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") Gul, Karsoozd-Gul, Karasagul - "Carn Dûm" - karasa, "red", kars-, "reddish" (P-AdW), ôzd, "fort", "fortress" (P-AdW), gul, "valley" (W.) - Derived from newly-introduced P-AdW terms (Westron variants) and from a canon Westron term. Literally "Red-Fort-Valley" or, alternatively, "Red-Valley".
  • Mârandulôna - pron. Maaranduloona (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "Lond Daer" - mâr-, "big-", "great-" (P-AdW), anda, and-, andu-, "middle", "middle-" (P-AdW), lôna, "port", "harbour", "haven" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Also known under the longer name of Lond Daer Enedh or Lond Daer Ened, which mean "Great Middle Haven", hence the P-AdW form, literally "Great-middle-haven" or "Great-middle-port". Lond Daer's older elvish name, during the days of its founding, was Vinyalondë ("New Haven").
  • Mâruphûra - pron. Maaruphoora - "Michel Delving" - mâr-, "big", "large" (P-AdW), phûru, "delving" (P-AdW) - The P-AdW Westron name for Michel Delving, derived from newly-introduced P-AdW terms, themselves derived from Quenya terms and canon Westron terms. Literally "Big-Delving", "Much-Delving" in P-AdW Westron. The "Town Hole" in Michel Delving is Obel-trân ("Town-hole"), and is the seat of the Mayor of the Shire, i.e. the Rân-zaranaru an-Sûzat ("Village-elder of The Shire") or Obel-zaranaru an-Sûzat ("Town-elder of The Shire").
  • Menasla êmib - pron. men-us-luh émib - "Tower Hills" - menasla, "tower-related" (P-AdW), êmib, "hills" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. The P-AdW Westron name for the Tower Hills.
  • Nîna - pron. Neenaré - "Bywater" - nîn, "water" (W.), -rê, "at", "by", "near" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms and a newly-introduced P-AdW prepositional suffix ending. Literally "By-water", "Near-water".
  • Phurôsta an-Âri (Ad.), Phurôzd an-Âri (W.) - pron. Furoosta an-Aari, Furoozd an-Aari (-oo- as in "door" or "hall") - "Fornost Erain" - phurut, "north" (P-AdW), ôzd, "fort", "fortress" (P-AdW), an-, "of" (Ad.), âri, "kings" (Ad.) - Derived from newly-introduced P-AdW terms (in P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron) and canon Adunaic terms. Analogous to "Norbury of Kings", or in Sindarin, the "Northern Fortress of Kings". 
  • Phurtuhalak, Côpha an-Phurtuhalak (Ad.), Phurtuhalk, Côpha an-Phurtuhalk (W.) - "Forochel", "Bay of Forochel" - phurut, "north" (P-AdW), phurtu-, "north-" (P-AdW), halak, halk, "ice" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "North-ice", "Northern-ice", the translation of the elvish term Forochel, also known colloquially as the "Bay of Forochel" or the "Ice Bay of Forochel". This distant region in northernmost Eriador and the known habitable northern edge of western Middle-earth is the ancient homeland of the native Lôzaim, the Lossoth people.
  • Terzayrêh or just Terzayrê - pron. TBA - "Archet" - TBA - Literally "Near-Woodland", "Near-Forest", "Near-Chet".
  • Tûrsacla mabzâin and Tûrsacla êmib - pron. Toorsuckla mabz-eye-n, Toorsuckla émib - "Barrow Downs" - tûrsac, "burial mound", "barrow" (P-AdW), mabzâin, "hilly country", downs" (P-AdW), êmib, "hills" (P-AdW) - Literally "Barrow-grave Hilly-country", i.e. "barrow downs" or "Barrow Hills", "Barrow-grave Hills".

Placenames and geographic names - Rhovanion

  • Adûnmênaz, Mênaz an-Adûn (Ad.) Adûnmenas, Menas an-Adûn (Z.) - pron. Adúnménaz, Ménaz an-Adún, Adúnmenas, Menas an-Adún - "Annúminas" ("Západná veža") -

Placenames and geographic names - Gondor, Rohan and the southern Westlands (of Middle-earth)

  • Abârazra - pron. Abaarazra - "Belegaer" - abâr, "might" (Ad.), azra, "sea" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Arda's western ocean, to the west of Middle-earth's western coastlines. 
  • Ârbalkubanad - pron. aarbalkubanad - "Pelargir" - âr-, "royal" (Ad.), balku-, "ship", obj. c. (Ad.), banad, "yard", "court" (P-AdW) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms and a newly-introduced term. Based on the etymology of the city's name, "Garth of Royal Ships", "Yard of Royal Ships". 
  • Borzâyan - pron. Borzaayan - "Gondor", "Kingdom of Gondor" - bora, "stone", "rock" (P-AdW), bor-, "stone-", "rock-", obj. c. (P-AdW), zâyan, "land", "country" (Ad.) - Derived from a newly-introduced term and a canon Adunaic term. Literally "Stone-land", based on the etymology of its name in elvish languages. (A phrase like "the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor" would be "ârzâin an Âruzâyan ka Borzâyan" in P-AdW, or "ârzâint an Âruzâyan ka Borzâyan" if you would want to use the definite article in "the kingdoms".)
  • Êmab-Minrêdûr - pron. Émab-Minredoor - "Dol Amroth" - êmab, "hill" (P-AdW), Minrêdûr, "Up-Climber", i.e. "Amroth" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Based on the etymology of Dol Amroth, "The Hill of Amroth", "The Hill of Up-Climber".       
  • Karbuzâyan, Karab-zâyan, Karabnaru-zâyan - pron. Karbuzaayan, Karub-zaayan, Karubnaru-zaayan - "Rohan", "Riddermark" - karab, "horse" (Ad.), karbu-, "horse", obj. c. (Ad.), karabnaru, "horseman" (P-AdW), zâyan, "land" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms and from a newly-introduced term. (Please note that the term for Rohan didn't exist while Adunaic was still a more common language, it only came into being in Adunaic's successor Westron.)
  • Lînthunîr - pron. Leanthunear - "Linhir" - lînthu-, "song", obj. c. (P-AdW), nîr, "river" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Based on one of the two possible elvish name etymologies, "Singing river" or "Pool-river".
  • Mêndô an-Aphunîr, Mêndô an-Mârunîr - pron. TBA - "Mouth of the Anduin", - ndu, "mouth" (P-AdW),  â - Derived from newly-introduced terms.
  • Nimrulôna - pron. Nimruloona (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "Edhellond" ("Port-of-the-Elves") - Edhellond, "Port-of-the-Elves" (Q. ?) - Derived from the aforementioned elvish term. A translation of the name of the coastal elvish city state of Edhellond.
  • Saklu-azurud - pron. Sucklu-azurud - "(Isle of) Tolfalas" - sakâl, "coast", "shore" (Ad.), azurud, "island" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term and a newly-introduced term. A translation of the name of Tolfalas, which means "coastal island".

Placenames and geographic names - Eastern and southern Middle-earth

  • Kharatzâyan (Ad.), Karatzâyan (W.) - pron. Kharatzaayan, Karatzaayan - "Harad" -
  • Êphal-Kharatzâyan (Ad.), Êphal-Karatzâyan (W.) - pron. Éphal-Kharutzaayan, Éphal-Karatzaayan - "Far Harad" -

Placenames and geographic names - Continents of Arda and other features of Arda

  • Andaban - pron. Un-da-bun - "Middle-earth" - anda, and-, "middle", "middle-" (P-AdW), aban, "earth", "ground", "landmass", "dry land" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Compare with its elvish name, Endor.
  • Âvkorazra - pron. aavkorazra - "Ekkaia", "The Encircling Sea" - âva, "outer" (P-AdW), kôr, "ring", "circle", "band" (P-AdW), azra, "sea" (Ad.) - Derived from newly-introduced terms and a canon Adunaic term.
  • Dulguzâyan - pron. Dulguzaayan - "Dark Land" - dulg-, "dark" (Ad.), zâyan, "land" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Name of Arda's very little known southern continent, to the southeast of Middle-earth. Possibly no longer exists after the Second Age, but this remains unclear and unconfirmed. The only thing known for sure is that it doesn't seem to have sapient inhabitants. 

Names of languages

  • Adûnayân - pron. Adoonayaan - "Adunaic (language)", "Language of the Westn", "Númenorean (language)", "Language of Westernesse" - Adûnayân, "Language of the West", "Language of Westernesse", "Númenorean" (W.), adûn, "west" (Ad.), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. Literally "Azulaic", "East-language", "East-tongue", "Easterlingn-language", "Easterling-tongue".
  • Adûni - pron. Adooni, Soval Phareh - "Westron", "Common Tongue" - Adûni, "Westron" (W.), adûn, "west" (Ad.),  "Common Tongue" (W.) - Canon Westron terms. Literally "Westron" and "Common Tongue".
  • Azûlayân - pron. Azoolayaan - "East(erling)-tongue", "East(erling)-language" - azûl, "east" (Ad.), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - Literally "Azulaic", "East-language", "East-tongue", "Easterlingn-language", "Easterling-tongue".
  • Gulnayân - pron. Gulnayaan - "Dalish", "Language of Dale" - gul, "valley", "dale", "dell" (W.), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - Literally "Dalish", "Dale-language", "Dale-tongue", "Dalemen-language".
  • Kharanâ, Kharanâi, (Ad.), Haranâ, Haranâi (W.) - pron. (k)haranaa, (k)hara-nigh - "wildman", "Drúedain" (sg.), "wildmen", "Drúedain" (pl.) - Also known as Woses. The term can also be used in a general sense of "wildman/savage" and "wildmen/savages", but it also works as a term denoting the Drúedain as a separate and more archaic form of Men in Middle-earth, distinct from the "big" people (i. e. us), the hobbits, as well as the Beornings. If someone decides to write about the Drúedain as an ethnicity/nationality, they will write these three terms with capital starting letters, the same as with the names of other ethnictities/nationalities of Middle-earth. Otherwise the term only uses a non-capitalized starting letter.
  • Lôznayân - pron. Looz- (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") -nayaan - "Lossoth language", "Snow-folk language" - Lôzaim, "Lossoth", "Snow-people", "Snow-folk" (P-AdW), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - Literally "Snow-people language", "Snow-folk language".   
  • Nargayân, Nargiyê - pron. Nargayaan, Nargiyeh/Nargiyeah - "Khuzdul", "Dwarvish", "Dwarven language" - Narag, "Dwarf" (P-AdW), narg-, "dwarf" (P-AdW), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW), -iyê, suffix used for the endings of some languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - As with elvish, not necessarily just an ethnic term for the language, but also a term for the language of a whole species. Khuzdul ("Dwarvish") is a fairly unchanging language and one of the most ancient in all of Middle-earth. In Adunaic, it is simply "Dwarvic", "Dwarfish", "Dwarf-language". Besides elvish languages, Khuzdul also provided some linguistic influences on Adunaic and its descendant languages (particularly Westron and its many dialects).   
  • Nimriyê - pron. Nimriyeh/Ninriyeah - "Elvish", "Elvish language" - Nimir, "Elf" (Ad.), nimri-, "elvish", "elven", "elf-related" (Ad./P-AdW), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW), -iyê, suffix used for the endings of some languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - Canon Adunaic term for "elvish", "elvish-tongue", "elvish language". This canon term served as the basis for several endings in newly-introduced terms for other languages in the Legendarium. It is a less used ending suffix than -ayan, and tends to be used mainly for non-human languages (i.e. ones not used by Men, or at least the usual forms of Men).
  • Phurutayân, Phurutayîn - pron. Phurutayaan, Phurutayeen - "Northmen-language", "Northmen-tongue" (sg.), "Northmen-languages", "Northmen-tongues" (pl.) - phurut, "north" (P-AdW), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW), -ayîn, plural version of the aforementioned ending suffix (Ad./P-AdW) - Since there isn't a single language of the Northmen (and analogously, the Easterlings and Southrons also speak many languages), the variously inter-related languages of the Northmen (e.g. Dalemen/Lakemen/Bardings, the Woodmen, the Beornings, historically the Éothéod and Vidugavia's people) speak Northmen languages. Hence the existence of a plural form for the name of this group of languages.
  • Urugeniyê, Urugenyâba - pron. Urugeniye, Urugenyaaba - "Beorning (dialect)", "dialect of Beorn's people, Beornings" - urug, "bear" (Ad.), Urugen, Beorn's hypothetical name in Westron (P-AdW), -ayân, suffix used for the endings of many languages' names (Ad./P-AdW) - Literally "Bear-folk tongue", "Bear-folk dialect" or "dialect of Beorn's people's". Example phrase: Urugeniyê hya Urugenyâba, agalyâbat an-Urugenilîm, han Phurutayân, agalyâba an-Phurutayîn. ("Beorning-tongue or Beorning dialect, the dialect of the Beornings, is a Nortmen-language, a dialect of the Northmen-languages.")


External links

Elfdict.com: Adûnayân (Ad.), aglâb (Kh.), nimir (Ad.), Phurunargian (Z.), urug (Ad.),

Eldamo.org: Adûnayân (Ad.), aglâb (Kh.), nimir (Ad.), Phurunargian (Z.), urug (Ad.)

How would the relations between Dwarf-Realms had worked ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)

Could the Dwares of Ered Luin have reclaimed Belegost ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)

Why did Gondorian civilization remain stagnant ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)

Why is Arnor important in Middle-earth ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)

Did the Dúnedain have marriage customs concerning close kin ? (analytical article by Michael Martinez)

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