24 septembra 2022

Translations - Akallabêth ("Atlantída" by Miro Žbirka and Kamil Peteraj in P-AdW Adunaic)

A hypothetical translation of the real world song Atlantída ("Atlantis", from the album Sezónne lásky) written and composed by Miroslav Žbirka and Kamil Peteraj, performed by Miroslav Žbirka. Translated from the song's original Slovak language lyrics and their English language translation, into P-AdW Adunaic.

(C) Darrell Sweet - The Fall of Númenor

Besides the song title itself, the word "Atlantis" actually does not occur in the song at all. The soulful lyrics could just as well tell a tale about... the fall and destruction of Númenor, of which Tolkien explicitly spoke about as his own authorial analogue to the mythic story of Atlantis, within the context of Arda. Hence, Akallabêth, "She, that had (down)fallen", "The Downfallen", based on the Adunaic poetic name that the survivors of the downfall gave to their destroyed and vanished homeland, and the eponymous title of the story that recounted the downfall. (This story appears e.g. in The Silmarillion.)


The original Slovak version of the song's lyrics:


Zem pradávnych sĺnk
V chladnom tieni tajomstiev
Na mapách jej dávno niet
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Nepoznáš jej žalospev
More nevydá viac ten svet

Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
V nehybnom tieni rias
A milenci sú si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
S rukou sa míňa vlas

Len more cez brány čias
Ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
More cez brány čias
Von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
Tam hlboko niet kam ujsť
Zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
Hľadajú kľúč od úst

Pod hladinou spí kameň tvár a testament
V nehybnom tieni rias
Čas zostal tu stáť očami hviezd sa díva kvet
V tej hĺbke je niečo z nás

Len more cez brány čias
Ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
More cez brány čias
Von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Zem pradávnych sĺnk
V chladnom tieni tajomstiev
Na mapách jej dávno niet
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
Nepoznáš jej žalospev
More nevydá viac ten svet

Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
V nehybnom tieni rias
A milenci sú si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
S rukou sa míňa vlas

Len more cez brány čias
Ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
More cez brány čias
Von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Nepovie nám však viac
Kde mŕtvi v ňom bývajú
Nepovie nám však viac
Čo mestá v ňom skrývajú

Nepovie nám však viac
Čo mestá
V ňom skrývajú

Music video for Atlantída ("Atlantis") performed by Miro Žbirka (1982)

The song Atlantída ("Atlantis") performed live by Žbirka at a concert (2012)


English translation based on the original Slovak lyrics:


The land of ancient suns
In the cold shadow of secrets
Vanished from maps long ago
The land of ancient suns
You know not its dirge
No more will the sea release that world

Under the surface forever sleeps a stone with a face
In the motionless shade of seaweed
And in that deep the lovers are distant
The hair flows past the hand

Only the sea through the gates of time
Drives pillars of waves to the shore
The sea through the gates of time
Drives upward pillars of waves

The land of lost suns in the windows wander fish eyes
There in the deepness there is no escape
The land of lost suns in the windows wander fish eyes
They search for the key from the mouth

Under the surface sleeps the stone, the face, and testament
In the motionless shade of seaweed
Time has stood still here, the flower gazes with eyes of stars
Something of us lies in that deep

Only the sea through the gates of time
Drives pillars of waves to the shores
The sea through the gates of time
Drives upward pillars of waves

The land of ancient suns
In the cold shadow of secrets
Vanished from maps long ago
The land of ancient suns
You know not its dirge
No more will the sea release that world

Under the surface forever sleeps a stone with a face
In the motionless shade of seaweed
And in that deep the lovers are distant
The hair flows past the hand

Only the sea through the gates of time
Drives pillars of waves to the shore
The sea through the gates of time
Drives upward pillars of waves

But it will never tell us again
Of where its dead reside
But it will never tell us again
Of what its cities conceal

But it will never tell us again
Of what
Its cities conceal

(C) Ted Nasmith - Tar-Míriel and the Great Wave


And now the translation into P-AdW Adunaic:


Zâyan an gamzarla ûrin
Imi nalkin nâlu an-muladîn
Nurtin abanskîl
ô êphan-zarîdô
Zâyan an
gamzarla ûrin
Kibâzihâ irya niyirlînth
Azran bâlêra ad
âr amad abân

Dalad par
ma dênoy aphula bora kanwa
Imi bâyadla nâlôt an-
Ka izarî yanêphal
âm im amad dûrêthet
Phindet aphursa êphalak pâtô

rar anrîdit an-lûr rîya azrat
Erela sakîlad târk
î an-walîm
Trar anrîdit an-lûr azrat
Minad erela sakîlad târk
î an-walîm

Zâyan an vâinala ûrin im avatî razna lîngla tudîn
Tanad imi dûrêthet tanad bân
Zâyan an-vâinala ûrin im avatî razna lîngla tudîn

Yakezda bapehtanget mêndôt

Dalad parma phulâ boret, kanwet ka negumezâiret
Imi bâyadla nâlôt an-
Lûr agada
tan tala, inzilet atuda tudînmâ an-gimil
Mayanêth an-nêhe kaya im amad dûrêthet

Trar anrîdit an-lûr rîya azrat
Erela sakîlad târk
î an-walîm
Trar anrîdit an-lûr azrat
Minad erela sakîlad târk
î an-walîm

Zâyan an gamzarla ûrin
Imi nalkin nâlu an-muladîn
Nurtin abanskîl
ô êphan-zarîdô
Zâyan an
gamzarla ûrin
Kibâzihâ irya niyirlînth
Azran bâlêra ad
âr amad abân

Dalad parma dênoy aphula bora kanwa
Imi bâyadla nâlôt an-
Ka izarî yanêphalâm im amad dûrêthet
Phindet aphursa êphalak pâtô

rar anrîdit an-lûr rîya azrat
Erela sakîlad tarkî an-walîm
Trar anrîdit an-lûr azrat
Minad erela sakîlad târk
î an-walîm

Aran abâlûrum adâr ind-abitha-nê
n anaz agânîya yadukam
Aran abâlûrum adâr ind-abitha-nê
An amad kadîrya azadnurta

abâlûrum adâr ind-abitha-nê
An amad
îrya azadnurta

(C) Alan Lee - Fall of Númenor


Finally, the literal translation from P-AdW Adunaic into English:

The Downfallen ("She-that-had-downfallen")

The-land of ancient suns
In the-cold shadow of-secrets
Vanished from-maps long-ago
The land of ancient suns
You-know-not its dirge
The-sea will-not-
release ever-again that world

Under the-surface forever sleeps a stone with-a-face
In motionless the-shade of-seaweed
And the-lovers
(they-)are-distant in that deep
The-hair flows far-away from-the-hand

Through the-gates of-time only the-sea
to-the-shore pillars of-waves 
Through the-gates of-time the-sea
Upward drives pillars of-waves

The-land of lost suns in the-windows wander fish eyes
There in the-deepness there is-no escape
he-land of lost suns in the-windows wander fish eyes
They-search-for the-key from-the-mouth

Under the-surface sleeps the-stone, the-face, and the-testament
In motionless the-shade of-seaweed
Time has-stayed here standing, the-flower gazes with-eyes of-stars
Something of-us lies in that deep

Through the-gates of-time only the-sea
to-the-shore pillars of-waves 
Through the-gates of-time the-sea
Upward drives pillars of-waves 

The-land of ancient suns
In the-cold shadow of-secrets
Vanished from-maps long-ago
The land of ancient suns
You-know-not its dirge
The-sea will-not-
release ever-again that world

Under the-surface forever sleeps a stone with-a-face
In motionless the-shade of-seaweed
And the-lovers
(they-)are-distant in that deep
The-hair flows far-away from-the-hand

hrough the-gates of-time only the-sea
to-the-shore pillars of-waves 
Through the-gates of-time the-sea
Upward drives pillars of-wave

ut never again will-it-tell-us
Of where its-dead reside
ut never again will-it-tell-us
Of what its-cities conceal

But never again will-it-tell-us
Of what
Its-cities conceal

(C) Ted Nasmith - The Ships of the Faithful


Important note: The translation was developed from the English translation of the lyrics, so its word order and other details are more similar to the English version of the lyrics, rather than the original Slovak version of the lyrics. However, in terms of meaning, all three versions (original Slovak lyrics, English translation, P-AdW Adunaic translation) are exactly the same, identical in contents in every single verse.


Related articles

Slovak language version of this article


External links

Official upload of the song Atlantída at the official YouTube channel of Miroslav Žbirka (only music) 

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