Novotvary podstatných mien pre P-AdW adunajčinu a P-AdW západčinu, s témou častí tela a anatómie mysliacich bytostí a živočíchov.
- akha, akhî (Ad.), arka, arkî (W.) - pron. akha, akhee, ark-uh, arkee - "bone", "bones" - axo (pron. akho), askó, "bone" (Q.), ach, asg, "bone" (S.), as, "bone" (RvQ) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term, Sindarin term, and a term from an early version of Quenya (Qenya).
- apta (Ad.), apt (W.), aptî - pron. uh-pta, uh-pt uh-ptee - "back", "backs" - opto, "back" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
- huzun, huzîn, huznat - pron. huzun, huzeen, huznat - "ear" (sg.), "ears" (pl.), "a pair of ears" (dl.) - huzun, huzn, huznat, "ear", "ears", "a pair of ears" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic terms.
- kanwa, kanîw, kanîwat (Ad.), kanva, kanîv, kanîvat (W.) - pron. kanva, kaneev, kanívat - "face" (sg.), "faces" (pl.) - canwa, "face" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. The little used dual for "face" would take the form kanwat, kanvat ("a duo of faces", "a pair of faces"). The declensed form kanwôt or kanvôt zmeans "from that (specific) face" (the suffix -ô denoting "from", the ending -t denoting a definite form).
- karaz (Ad.), karz (W.), karîz - pron. karaz, karz, kareez - "head", "heads" - cas, car-, "head" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and a related term from canon Adunaic, karma i.e. "helmet". (Compare with the real Roman-Latin term for a helmet and the modern French term for a head.) In Adunaic, a helmet is a kharma (pron. kharma) and in Westron, harma (pron. harma).
- lâra, lâri - pron. laara, laari - "neck", "necks" - lango, "neck", "throat", lanco, langon, "throat" (Q.), lang, "neck", "throat" (S.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and Sindarin term.
- mêndu (Ad.), mênd (W.), mênîn, mênat - pron. ménd(u), ménín, ménat - "mouth" (sg.), "mouths", (pl.), "a pair of mouths" (dl.) - anto, náva, "mouth" (Q.) mundo, "muzzle" (Q.) - Odvodené od uvedených quenijských výrazov. Tieto novotvarové slová pre "ústa" v P-AdW adunajčine a západčine sa trošku podobajú na moderné nemecké slovo Mund, "ústa". Bola to fonetická náhoda, ale ponechal som ju, pretože zdôrazňuje niektoré germánskymi jazykmi inšpirované prvky v adunajčine a západčine.
- nuw, nuwîn, nuwat - pron. nuv, nuveen, nuvat - "nose" (sg.), "noses" (pl.), "pár nosov" (dl.) - nengwë, "nose" (Q.) - Odvodené od uvedeného quenijského výrazu.
- obrên, obrîn, obrînat - pron. obrén, obreen, obreenat - "forearm" (sg.), "forearms" (pl.), "a pair of forearms" (dl.) - ob, ob-, "in front of", "fore-" (Ad.), rên, "arm", rîn, "arms" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term and from the aforementioned newly-introduced term.
- ôka, ôkîn, ôkat (Ad.), oka, okîn, okat (W.) - pron. óka, okeen, ókat (Ad.), oka, okeen, okat (W.) - "knee" (sg.), "knees" (pl.), "a pair of knees" (dl.) - occa, "knee" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
- pâ, pâi - pron. paa, pie - "hand", "hands" - pâ, "hand", pâi, "hands" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic terms.
- pâgul, pâgil - pron. paagul, paagil - "palm", "palms" - pâ, "hand" (Ad.), gul, "valley", "dale", "dell" (W.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term and from a canon Westron term. Doslova "the valley of the hand", "the valley of hands".
- pâik, pâim - pron. paay-k/pie-k/pike, paay-m/pie-m - "finger", "fingers" - pâ, "hand" (Ad.), -ik, ending suffix of many diminutives (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term for hand and from a newly-introduced suffix ending derived from known diminutives in canon Adunaic. Doslova "tiny hand", "tiny hands". The term for fingers originally evolved as a diminutive for the hands.
- pâmal, pâmali - pron. paamal, paamali - "wrist", "wrists" - pâ, "hand" (Ad.), málimë, "wrist" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and from the aforementioned Quenya term. The source term also occurs in the exact same form in the Telerin dialect.
- rêma, rîmi, rêmat - pron. réma, reemi, rémat - "shoulder" (sg.), "shoulders" (pl.), "a pair of shoulders" (dl.) - róma, "shoulder" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
- rên, rîn, rînat - pron. rén, reen, reenat - "arm" (sg.), "arms" (pl.), "a pair of arms" (dl.) - ranco, "arm" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
- skêl, skîl - pron. skél, skeel - "skin" (sg.), "skins" (pl.) - skelmā, "skin" (raearly versions of elvish, specifically Middle Primitive Elvish), helma, "skin" (EvQ) - The skin of a living creature, as well as a processed skin, i.e. leather. Derived from the aforementioned terms from early versions of elvish languages, including an early version of Quenya (Qenya, EvQ).
- tâl, tâli, tâlat - pron. taal, taali, taalat - "leg" (sg.), "legs" (pl.), "a pair of legs" (dl.) - telco, "leg" (Q.), pâ, "hand" (Ad.) - Analogicky odvodené od uvedeného quenijského výrazu pre nohu a od výrazu z adunajčiny a západčiny označujúceho ruku.
- tôlak (Ad.), tôlk (W.), tôlki, tôlkat - pron. tólk, tólki, tólkat - "foot" (sg.), "feet" (pl.), "a pair of feet" (dl.) - tál, "leg" (Q.), tâl, "leg" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and from a newly-introduced term, both denoting a leg.
- tôlaz, tôlazi, tôlzat - pron. toolaz, toolazi, toolzut (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "sole of the foot" (sg.), "soles of the feet" (pl.), "a pair of soles of the feet" (dl.) - tál, "leg", "stupaj" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. Quite logically similar to the expressions for "leg" and "stupaj".
- tâik, tâim - pron. táik, táim - "palec/prst na nohe", "palce/prsty na nohách" - tâl, "noha", pâik, pâim, "prst", "prsty" - Analogicky odvodené od už existujúcich P-AdW výrazov pre "noha" a "prsty".
- tudun, tudîn, tudnat - pron. tudun, tudeen, tudnut - "eye" (sg.), "eyes" (pl.), "a pair of eyes" (dl.) - tudâ, "to watch", "to see" (W.), huzun, huzîn, "ear", "ears" (Ad.) - Derived by analogy from canon Adunaic huzun, huzîn, i.e. "ear", "ears" and from canon Westron tuda, "to watch", "to see" (verb) and from tudnas, tudas, "watch", "patrol" (noun in Westron, for a watchman/military unit).
- tuyk, tuykîn, tuykat - pron. tuyk, tuykeen, tuykat - "thigh" (sg.), "thighs" (pl.), "a pair of thighs" (dl.) - ciuca, cyúca, tiuco, "thigh" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Qenya terms denoting a thigh, thighs.
- anag, anga, angat - pron. anag, anga, angat - "jaw", "jaws", "a pair of jaws" - anta, "jaw", anca, "jaw" (S.) - Derived from the aforementioned Sindarin terms.
- bawâpaik, bawâpaim (Ad.), bavâpaik, bavâpaim (W.) - pron. bavaapaik, bavaapaim - "feather", "feathers" - bawâb, bavb, "wind", pâik, pâim, "finger", "fingers" - Doslova "veterný prst" a "veterné prsty". Dvojhláska sa tu kráti, toto slovo je ojedinelá výnimka (ale pozor, toto ešte nie je finálna verzia).
- phinêd (Ad.), phind (W.), phindî - pron. phin(é)d, phindee - "hair" (sg.), "hair(s)" (pl.) - findë, "hair" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. The definite article variants of the term are phindet in the singular and phindît in the plural.
- phâin, phâinî - pron. phiiine (silent "e"), phiiinee - "mane" (sg.), "manes" (pl.) - findë, "hair" (Q.), mairos, "mane" (human, animal), "long hair" (G.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and a term from "Gnomish", Tolkien's early version of what became the Noldorin elvish dialect. The definite variants of the term are phâinet in the singular and phâinît in the plural.
- îrtaik, îrtaim - pron. ear-ta-ik, ear-ta-im - "hoof", "hooves" - îr(t), "one" (see the article New additions - Numerals), tâik, tâim, "big toe/toe", "big toes/toes" - Derived from newly-introduced terms. The diphtong is shortened in this term, as this term is a rare exception (however, I caution you with the use of these words, as this is not yet the absolute final version of the new term).
- ras, rîs - pron. ras, rees - "horn", "horns" - ras, "horn" (W.) - Derived from a canon Westron term.
- lingkhaba (Ad.), linghaba (W.) - pron. lingkhaba, linghaba - "fish scale" - ling, "fish" (P-AdW), khap, "zahaľovať", "zabaľovať", "pokrývať" (early versions of elvish MPE) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced term and a term from one of the early forms of elvish (specifically, "Middle Primitive Elvish").
- vôra, vôri - pron. voora, voori (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "fur", "pelt", "fur coat (of an animal)" (sg.), "furs", "pelts", "fur coats (of animals)" (pl.) - vóre, "fur", "pelt", "fur coat (of an animal)" (EvQ) - Derived from the aforementioned term from an early version of Quenya (Qenya).
These expressions should be more than enough for describing the anatomy of various creatures of Arda, including thinking beings. This article will continue to be gradually expanded with new, additional vocabulary.
Concerning the parts of trees and plants, I would recommend you read the article on newly-introduced terms for flora, plant life.
External links word (Ad.), , róma (Q.)
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