06 decembra 2021

New additions - Nouns - Clothing, footwear and apparel

New vocabulary of P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron nouns related to the topic of clothing, footwear and apparel.


The article is under development.

  • ham - pron. hum (rh. w. "hum" in "humming") - "clothes", "apparel", "clothing" - hampë, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • daladham - pron. dull, ud (as in "dud"), hum - "under-clothing", "underwear" - dalad, "under" (Ad.), ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (P-AdW) - Derived from the canon Adunaic preposition dalad (suffixed when used with verbs) and the newly introduced P-AdW term ham, for "clothes", "clothing".
  • datu - pron. du- (as in "dull"), -tu (as in "tuna") - "hat", "headgear" - táta, "hat" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. Note that it is distinct from the term for a helmet. 
  • kilmad, kilmîd, kilmat - pron. kil- (as in "kiln", "kilt") -mud (rh. w. "mud"), kil-mead (rh. w. "mead"), kil-mutt (rh. w. "mutt") - "belt" (sg.), "belts" (pl.), "a pair of belts" (dl.) - quilta, "belt", "girdle" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • kôr, kôri, kôr an-pâik - pron. kór (rh. w. "or"), kóri (rh. w. "or" and re- in "restart"), kór un-pie-k (rh. w. "or", un- in "unseen" and "pie"+k) - "ring", "rings", "ring-finger" - corma, "ring", "circlet" (Q.), pâik, "finger" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and the newly introduced P-AdW term.
  • lab, lîb, labat - pron. lab (rh. w. "la-la", "dub", "rub"), líb (like "leeb" or German lieb), labat (rh. w. "la-la" and "but") - "shirt", "tunic" (sg.), "shirts", "tunics" (pl.), "a pair of shirts", "a pair of tunícs" (dl.) - laupë, "shirt", "tunic" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • labik - pron. labik (rh. w. "la-la" and bick- in "bicker") - "pocket" (on clothing, et al) - laban, "sack", "pack", "bag" (W.), -ik, diminutive suffix (P-AdW) - Derived as a diminutive from the canon Westron term laban, i.e. "sack" (see also Labingi, the surname of Bilbo and Frodo in canon Westron).
  • paham, pahîm, pahat - pron. pahum (as in "partridge" and "hum"), pahím (pa- same, rh. w. "seam"), pahat (pa- same, rh. w. "hut") - "glove" (sg.), "gloves" (pl.), "a pair of gloves" (dl.) - , "hand" (Ad.), ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (P-AdW) - Literally "hand clothing", "hand-clothes".
  • rênam, rînam, rînat - pron. rénum (é as in French é in French café, -num as in "numb"), reenum (ree- as in "meek", "seek", -num the same), reenut (ree- the same, rh. w. "nut") - "sleeve" (sg.), "sleeves" (pl.), "a pair of sleeves" (dl.) - rên, rîn, "arm", "arms", ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (P-AdW) - Sleeves on any type of clothing (or on armour) intended for the upper part of the torso, the sleeves covering the arms of the person wearing the clothes (or the armour).
  • tâlham, tâlhim, tâlhat - pron. taalhum (taal- like in German Tal, rh. w. "hum" in "humming"), taalhim (taal- same, rh. w. "him"), taalhut (taal- same, rh. w. "hut") - "trousers" (sg.), "trousers" (pl.), "a pair of trousers" (dl.) - tâl, "leg", ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" - Tâlham is technically still an uncountable plural, though seeming like a singular form. Tâlhim, denotes a number of trousers or leggings larger than a single pair. A single pair is entirely synoymous with the singular, making tâlham and tâlhat semantically interchangeable. The only way tâlham stands on its own is as a general clothing concept.
  • toham, tohîm, tohat - pron. toham (like to- in "torrent", and rh. w. "hum" in "humming"), toheem (to- same, rh. w. "seam"), tohut (to- same, rh. w. "hut") - "shoe" (sg.), "shoes" (pl.), "a pair of shoes" (dl.) - tôlk, "foot", ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (P-AdW) - Literally "foot clothing", "foot-clothes". The early historical version of the term was tôlham (referencing the term for "foot"), but during the term's linguistic evolution, the "l" was dropped and the "ô" vowel shortened.
  • tolab, tolîb, tolbat - pron. tolab (like to- in "torrent", rh. w. "la-la", "dub", "rub"), tolíb (to- same, rest like "leeb" or German lieb), tolbat (to- same, rh. w. "la-la" and "but") - "footrag" (sg.), "footrags" (pl.), "a pair of footrags" (dl.) - tôlk, "foot", lab, "shirt", "tunic" (P-AdW) - Literally "foot shirt", "foot-shirt". The early historical version of the term was tôllab (referencing the term for "foot"), but during the term's linguistic evolution, the second "l" was dropped and the "ô" vowel shortened.
  • vag - pron. vug  (rh. w. "lug") - "coat", "cloak", "vest", "jacket" - vacco, "coat", "cloak", "vest" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • vôrdatu - pron. vor- (rh. w. "or"), -datu (du in "dull" and tu in "tuna") - "fur hat" - vôra, "fur", "fur-coat (of a creature)", "fur cover (of a creature)", datu, "hat" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly introduced P-AdW terms.
  • vôrvag, vôrham - pron. vorvug (rh. w. "or" and "lug"), vorhum (rh. w. "or" and "hum") - "fur-coat", "furcoat" - vôra, "fur", "fur-coat (of a creature)", "fur cover (of a creature)", vag, "coat", ham, "clothes", "clothing", "apparel" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly introduced P-AdW terms.

If you're interested in terms related to armour, please read the article with new vocabulary for military terms.

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