07 decembra 2021

New additions - Nouns - Culture and society

New vocabulary of P-AdW Adunaic and P-AdW Westron nouns related to the topic of  culture and society.



The article is under development.

Terms of address

  • aglarnaru, aglarnarî, aglaruzîr - pron. aglarnaru, aglarnaree, aglaruzeer - "sir", "esteemed sir", "esteemend gentlemen", "mister" - aglar, "glory", naru, "man", narî, "men", uzîr, "friends" - The literal meaning is "glorious sir" in the singular number and "glorious gentlemen" or "glorious friends" in the plural number. "Glorious" should be understood here in the figurative sense, such as our "esteemed", i.e. honourable, worthy of respect, of glory. It is used either through a generic term or through one of the more specific terms, depending on the type of being that the addressed person belongs to.
  • aglarzini, aglarzinî, aglaruzîr - pron. - aglarzini, aglarzinee, aglaruzeer - "madam", "esteemed lady", "esteemed ladies" - aglar, "glory", zini, "woman", zinî, "women", uzîr, "friends" - The literal meaning is "glorious lady" in the singular number and "glorious ladies" or "glorious friends" in the plural number. "Glorious" should be understood here in the figurative sense, such as our "esteemed", i.e. honourable, worthy of respect, of glory. It is used either through a generic term or through one of the more specific terms, depending on the type of being that the addressed person belongs to.

Additional notes for terms of address aimed at men:

  • Under usual circumstances, we say aglarnaru Bilba ("Mr./sir Bilbo"), aglarnaru Éomer ("Mr./sir  Éomer"), aglarnaru Bard ("Mr./sir Bard"), aglarnaru Faramir ("Mr./sir Faramir"), aglarnaru Elrond ("Mr./sir Elrond"), aglarnaru Celeborn ("Mr./sir Celeborn"), aglarnaru Thorin ("Mr./sir Thorin").
  • However, if we want to be dilligent concerning the species to which these individual men belong, we should use the more specific terms of address, such as aglarnaru Bilba ("esteemed Mannish gentleman Bilbo", since hobbits are counted among Men, i.e. humans), aglarnaru Éomer ("esteemed Mannish gentleman Éomer"), aglarnaru Bard ("esteemed Mannish gentleman Bard"), aglarnaru Faramir ("esteemed Mannish gentleman Faramir"), but aglarnimrô Elrond ("esteemed elven gentleman Elrond"), aglarnimrô Celeborn ("esteemed elven gentleman Celeborn"), aglarnargô Thorin ("esteemed dwarven gentleman Thorin").

Additional notes for terms of address aimed at women: 

  • Under usual circumstances, we say aglarzini Belladona ("Mrs./madam/lady Belladona"), aglarzini Éowyn ("Ms/Mrs./madam/lady Éowyn"), aglarzini Ioreth ("Ms/Mrs./madam/lady Ioreth"), aglarzini Arwen ("Ms/Mrs./madam/lady Arwen"), aglarzini Galadriel ("Mrs./madam/lady Galadriel"), aglarzini Dîs ("Mrs./madam/lady Dís").
  • However, if we want to be dilligent concerning the species to which these individual women belong, we should use the more specific terms of address, such as aglaranî Belladona ("esteemed Mannish lady Belladona", since hobbits are counted among Men, i.e. humans), aglaranî Éowyn ("esteemed Mannish lady Éowyn"), aglaranî Ioreth ("esteemed Mannish lady Ioreth"), but aglarnimrî Arwen ("esteemed elven lady Arwen"), aglarnimrî Galadriel ("esteemed elven lady Galadriel"), aglarnargî Dîs ("esteemed dwarven lady Dís").

Pochopiteľne, mená niektorých týchto mužských a ženských postáv z Tolkienovho sveta (s výnimkou tých elfských) by asi zneli trošku inak v adunajčine a západčine. Théoden, Éomer, Éowyn sú všetko preklady fiktívnych rohanských mien menami v reálnej anglosaštine, či už historickými termínmi, alebo Tolkienom vynájdenými. Mená Thorina a jeho sestry Dís v trpaslíčine - teda ich skutočné mená - nepoznáme, pretože takmer všetky trpasličie mená sú "vonkajšie" verzie ich mien, v ľudských jazykoch, prevažne zo severu Stredozeme. Preto znejú kvázi-škandinávsky a sú konzistentné s menami Tolkienových ľudských Severanov, vrátane ľudí od Údolu, Dlhého jazera, či Beornovho tajomného ľudu. Faramir, Arwen, Elrond a Galadriel sú všetko mená v elfských jazykoch, takže je možné, že by ich v adunajčine alebo západčine vyslovili rovnako alebo len s minimálnymi rozdielmi. V článku o novotvaroch osobných mien a epitet si môžete o tejto téme prečítať viac. E. g., in Westron, the name "Beorn" would likely sound Urugen (od urug, kánonického výrazu pre "medveď"). V západčine by sme preto Tolkienovho slávneho "kožomeňca" pravdepodobne oslovovali aglarnaru Urugen, teda "ctený pán Beorn" (doslovnejšie "slávny pán Beorn"). Hobiti, kožomeňci ako Beorn, i Drúadančania sa všetci počítajú medzi ľudí, takže pri nich stačí oslovenie aglarnaru (pre mužov) a aglarzini (pre ženy).




  • kadar-lâi - pron. kadar-lie (lie as in "lie") - "city folk", "townsmen", "city inhabitants" - kadar, "city" (Ad.), -lâi, "folk", "people", "inhabitants" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term directly from Tolkien's notes and writings on Adunaic. 
  • kadaranû, kadarnaru - pron. kadaranoo, kadarnaru - "townsman", "city man" - kadar, "city" (Ad.), anû, "male", "a being of masculine gender" (Ad.), naru, "man" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic terms.
  • kadaranî, kadarzini - pron. kadaraní, kadarzini - "townswoman", "city woman" - kadar, "city" (Ad.), anî, "woman", "a being of feminine gender" (Ad.), zini, "woman" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic terms.
  • rân-lâi - pron. raan-lie (lie as in "lie") - "villagers", "village folk", "rural folk" - rân, "village" (W.), -lâi, "folk", "people", "inhabitants" (Ad.) - Derived by analogy from the canon Adunaic term kadar-lâi ("city-folk", "townsmen"), with the aforementioned canon Westron and canon Adunaic terms.
  • rânanû, rânaru - pron. raananoo (-oo- as in "room"), raanaru - "villager", "village man" - rân, "dedina", anû, "male", "a being of masculine gender", naru, "man" - Derived from the aforementioned canon Westron terms and canon Adunaic terms.
  • rânanî, rânzini - pron. ránanee, ránzini - "female villlager", "village woman" - rân, "village", anî, "female", "a being of feminine gender", zini, "woman" - Derived from the aforementioned canon Westron terms and canon Adunaic terms.
  • zaranû, zaranaru - pron. zaranú, zaranaru - "old man", "elder" - zara, "old" (W.), anû, "male", "a being of masculine gender" (Ad.), naru, "man" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Westron terms and canon Adunaic terms. It can also be used as a general term for "old man", "geezer", as well as the honorific term "elder".

If you are interested in newly-introduced terms for settlements and settled places, housing and furniture, please see this article.

If you are interested in newly-introduced terms for the names of nationalities, please see this article.

If you are interested in newly-introduced terms for the personal names of characters and various epithets (nicknames, bynames), please see this article.


Clothing, footwear and apparel

Please see this separate article on newly-introduced terms for clothing, footwear and apparel.


Writing, scribe work, written records

  • bêth, bêthi - pron. béth, béthi - "word", "expression", "expression", "saying" (sg.), "words", "terms", "expressions", "sayings" (pl.) -   - Derived from the canon Adunaic term.
  • kîrut, kîruti (Ad.), cîrt, cîrti (W.) - pron. keeroot (roughly "key-root"), kíruti ("key-root-ee"), keert, keerti - "letter", "letters" -   - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms and Sindarin terms.
  • kirtêth, kirtêthi (Ad.), cirtêth, cirtêthi - pron. kirtéf, kirtéfi - "writing script", "writing scripts" -    - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms and Sindarin terms.
  • barâm, barîm  - pron. baraam, bareem - "book", "books" - parma, "book", "bound work", "book/literary work" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. 
  • kên - pron. kén - "story", "tale", "history" - quenta, "story", quentale, "history", "annal" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.
  • bith-kên - pron. bith-kén - "telling", "storytelling", "oral history" - bith, "to say", "to speak" (Ad.), kên, "story", "tale" (P-AdW) -
  • abankên - pron. abankén - "history", "historical events" - aban, "world" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "tale" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "world-story", "story of the world". 
  • abanirêth - pron. abaniréth - "geography" - aban, "world" (P-AdW), irêth, "description" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "world-description", "description of the world".  
  • abanskêl, abanskîl  - pron. abanskél, abanskeel - "map", "maps" - aban, "world" (P-AdW), skêl, "skin" (processed), "parchment" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced P-AdW terms. Literally "world-parchment", "world-skin".


Respite and entertainment

  • dyal - pron. dyal - "game" - tyalië, "game" (Q.), tyalma, "toy" (Q.), tyal- "to play" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and the aforementioned Quenya word root. A general term for "game", "play". It can denote a game as an abstract concept, a game as a specific type of game (sports game, social game, riddles, etc.), child's play, comparing someone's behaviour to a game, to amusing oineself.
  • dyalar, dyalanê - pron. dyalar, dyalané - "player" (masc.), "(female) player" (fem.) - dyal, "game" (P-AdW) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced P-AdW term for "game". Compare with the Quenya term tyalindo, "player".


Music and musical instruments

  • dandal, dandîl - pron. dandal, dandeel - "harp" (sg.), "harps" (pl.) - tanta, tantila, "harp" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term. 
  • dandalar, dandalîr, dandalîrat - pron. dandalar, dandaleer, dandaleerat - "harper" (sg.), "harpers" (pl.), "duo of harpers" (dl.) - dandal, "harp" (P-AdW) - Derived from the newly-introduced P-AdW term.
  • dandalsarm, dandalsarmî - pron. dandalsarm, dandalsarmee - "harpstring" (sg.), "harpstrings" (pl.) - dandal, "harp" (P-AdW), sarm, "string", "cord" (P-AdW) - Derived from the newly-introduced P-AdW terms. The variants with the definite article are dandalsarmet (sg.) and dandalsarmît (pl.). 
  • kalutera, aphanutera - pron. kalutera, aphanutera - "lute", "cither", "kantele" - kali, "merry" (W.), kalda, "merriment", "joy" (fan. add. W.), aphana, "bliss" (Ad.), aphanu-, "bliss-" (Ad.), ter, "wood" (P-AdW), tera, "piece of wood", "wooden object" (P-AdW) - Derived from canon Westron and Adunaic terms and newly-introduced terms. Literally "joy-wood", "merry-wood" or "bliss-wood", a nod at the use of "joy-wood" as a poetic term for a musical instrument in Beowulf, one of Tolkien's keen areas of interest. 
  • kwîntera, sarmîgkwîna - pron. queen-tera, sarmeeg-queen-a - "fiddle" - kwîn-, "squeak-" (P-AdW), kwîna, "squeaker", "squeaking thing" (P-AdW), sarmîg, "strings" (P-AdW), tera, "piece of wood", "wooden object" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Literally "squeak-wood" or "string-squeak-er". 
  • lârdandal, lârdandîl - pron. laardandal, laardandeel - "lute", "guitar", "lutes", "guitars" - lango, "neck", "throat", lanco, langon, "throat" (Q.), lang, "neck", "throat" (S.), dandal, "harp", dandîl, "harps" (P-AdW), langandë, "guitar", "lute", "necked-harp" (Q., neologism), langan(d), "guitar", "lute", "necked-harp" (S., neologism) - Derived from and inspired by the aforementioned Quenya terms and Sindarin terms (including inspired by the Quenya and Sindarin neologisms for "lute" or "guitar") and by derived from the newly-introduced P-AdW term.
  • lînbêth - pron. línbéf - "music" - lindalë, "music" (Q.), bêth, "expression", "word" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term and canon Adunaic term.
  • lînth - pron. leenth (or leanth) - "song", "ditty" - lindë, "song" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya term.  
  • niyirlînth - pron. niyir-leenth (or niyir-leanth) - "elegy", "lament", "dirge" - niyir, "sorrow", "grief", "lament" (P-AdW), lînth, "song" (Q.) - Derived from the newly-introduced P-AdW terms. 
  • pâlomba, pâlombi - pron. paalomba, paalombi - "drum", "drums" - pâla, "to hit" (P-AdW), palampa, "drum" (Q., neologism) - Derived from the aforementioned newly-introduced P-AdW term and from the aforementioned Quenya neologism.



Dramatic arts

  • dyal-kên, dyalkên - pron. dyalkén - "stage play" - dyal, dyal-, "game", "to play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "tale" (P-AdW) - Literally "theatrical story".  
  • dyalkênar - pron. dyalkénar - "play-actor", "actor", "theatre actor" - dyal, dyal-, "play", "game", "to play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "tale" (P-AdW) - Literally "the player of a theatrical story".



a.) The Shire calendar

  • tba - pron. tba - "2 Yule" -  Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 22nd of December.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Afteryule" - TBA-, "after-" (P-AdW), TBA, "Yule", "Winter solstice" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of January, æfterra ġēola ("after-Yule"). This first month lasts between the real world's 23rd December to 21st January and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's January. The hobbits of the Eastfarthing of The Shire used the Breeland term "Frery" instead of "Afteryule".   
  • Dâihuloba, Dâihloba - pron. Die-h(u)-loba - "Solmath" - dâih-, "mud-" (P-AdW), nîloba, "month" (P-AdW) - Literally "mud-month", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of February, Solmónaþ ("mud-month"). The hobbits' favoured shorter colloquial form Dâihloba in P-AdW Westron is analogous to the shorter colloquial form Somath in English. This second month lasts between the real world's 22nd January to 20th February and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's February.    
  • Râhuba - pron. Raahuba - "Rethe" - râhu-, "rough", "tough", "difficult" (P-AdW), nîloba, "month" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Literally "rough-month", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of March, Hreþmōnaþ ("rough-month"). This third month lasts between the real world's 21st February to 22nd March and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's March.     
  • tla - pron. tba - "Astron" - TBA-, "dawn" (P-AdW), TBA, "TBA" (P-AdW) - Literally "Easter-month", "Dawn-month", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of April, ēastermōnaþ ("Easter-month", "Dawn-month"), from the word, ēastre, "Easter", "Dawn" (itself derived from a Proto-West-Germanic word that denoted "dawn", and figuratively "east"). This fourth month lasts between the real world's 23rd March to 21st of April and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's April.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Thrimidge" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This fifth month lasts between the real world's 22nd April to 21st May and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's May.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Forelithe" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This sixth month lasts between the real world's 22nd May to 20th June and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's June.     
  • tba - pron. tba - "1 Lithe" -   Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 21st June.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Mid-year's Day" -  Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 22nd June.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Overlithe" -   A leap day.
  • tba - pron. tba - "2 Lithe" -  Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 23rd June.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Afterlithe" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This seventh month lasts between the real world's 24th June to 23rd July and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's July.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Wedmath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This eighth month lasts between the real world's 24th July to 22nd August and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's August.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Halimath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This ninth month lasts between the real world's 23rd August to 21st September and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's September.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Winterfilth" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This tenth month lasts between the real world's 22nd September to 21st October and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's October.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Blotmath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This eleventh month lasts between the real world's 22nd October to the 20th November and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's November.     
  • tba - pron. tba - "Foreyule" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This twelfth month lasts between the real world's 21st November to 20th December and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's December.
  • tba - pron. tba - "1 Yule" -  Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 21st of December.

b.) Bree Calendar

  • tba - pron. tba - ???  -  Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 22nd of December.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Frery" - tba-, "game" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "tale" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This first month lasts between the real world's 23rd December to 21st January and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's January.    
  • Dâihuloba, Dâihloba - pron. Die-h(u)-loba - "Solmath" - dâih-, "mud-" (P-AdW), nîloba, "month" (P-AdW) - Literally "mud-month", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of February, Solmónaþ ("mud-month"). The hobbits' favoured shorter colloquial form Dâihloba in P-AdW Westron is analogous to the shorter colloquial form Somath in English. This second month lasts between the real world's 22nd January to 20th February and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's February.   
  • Râhuba - pron. Raahuba - "Rethe" - râhu-, "rough", "tough", "difficult" (P-AdW), nîloba, "month" (P-AdW) - Derived from newly-introduced terms. Literally "rough-month", based on the original Old English (Anglo-Saxon) term for the month of March, Hreþmōnaþ ("rough-month"). This third month lasts between the real world's 21st February to 22nd March and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's March.     
    tba - pron. tba - "Chithing" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This fourth month lasts between the real world's 23rd March to 21st of April and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's April.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Thrimidge" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This fifth month lasts between the real world's 22nd April to 21st May and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's May.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Lithe" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This sixth month lasts between the real world's 22nd May to 20th June and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's June.     
  • tba - pron. tba - "The Summerdays" -   Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 21st to 23rd June, with a leap day in between depending on the year.
  • tba - pron. tba - "Mede" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This seventh month lasts between the real world's 24th June to 23rd July and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's July.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Wedmath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This eighth month lasts between the real world's 24th July to 22nd August and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's August.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Harvestmath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This ninth month lasts between the real world's 23rd August to 21st September and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's September.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Wintring" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This tenth month lasts between the real world's 22nd September to 21st October and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's October.    
  • tba - pron. tba - "Blooting" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This eleventh month lasts between the real world's 22nd October to the 20th November and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's November.     
  • tba - pron. tba - "Yulemath" - tba-, "play" (P-AdW), kên, "story", "take" (P-AdW) - Literally "tba". This twelfth month lasts between the real world's 21st November to 20th December and is the rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's December.
  • tba - pron. tba -  ??? -    Rough equivalent of the Gregorian calendar's 21st of December.

Important note: The terms for all of these parts of The Shire and Bree calendars are in P-AdW Westron, not in P-AdW Adunaic. The P-AdW Adunaic terms would not be used for these calendars, since they were created by Westron users, Adunaic having largelly fallen out of use by the times of a self-governing Shire and Breeland. However, it is possible to retrofit these terms into P-AdW Adunaic by following the different phonetic and ortographic rules of P-AdW Adunaic.


Faith and spiritual matters

  • âiwanaz (Ad.), âivan(a)z (W.) - pron. aayvan(a)z - "fane", "holy place", "sacred place" - âiwan, âivan, "posvätné" (P-AdW), ainas, "fane", "sacred place", "holy place" (Q.) - An important note: Given the story developments and the various setting elements in Tolkien's Legendarium, it is important to bear in mind that even the Númenoreans did not have temples in the typical sense. The tallest mountain of Númenor, Meneltarma (Minul-târik in Adunaic) was a sacred site, the top of the mountain used several times a year for annual spiritual rituals, in which Númenoreans gave thanks to a Higher power (i.e. to Eru). However, there was no temple at the top of the mountain, no fane in the sense of a dedicated building, nor even any megalithic architecture "for decorative purposes". It was simply a natural, flat mountain peak top, used as a site of pilgrimage for traditional ceremonies of devout thanksgiving. It is because of this that I don't consider it likely that the Númenoreans speaking Adunaic, or their descendants and other human nations in Middle-earth, speaking Westron, would ever use the term "temple" in the same sense as we would use terms like temple, church, chapel, synagogue, mosque, etc. In other words, âiwanaz does not mean a temple or fane in the sense of "building", "structure" intended for religious and spiritual meetings and rituals, but instead means practically any place (usually outside in nature), which carries within itself a certain sacred significance. Tolkien had repeatedly pointed towards the fact that though his characters often reflect the values of Abrahamic religions, and religious and secular ethical principles, he didn't go into overblown dissection of the practical and ritual aspects of their faiths and their spirituality. Besides the annual ceremonies of thanksgiving upon the summit of Meneltarma, we only know of Faramir's "prayer" seen in The Lord of the Rings (in The Two Towers), where he and a few fellow Gondor rangers quietly look towards the east, where the sun rises, and then quietly look outward from the opening in the cave next to the waterfall, gazing silently towards the west. Given Melkor's and Sauron's repeated manipulations throughout the history of Middle-earth - i.e. they wanted to be worshipped as (false) deities, Sauron even tricking the Númenoreans at the tail end of their civilizations's existence into building  him a kitschy temple and doing human sacrifices - we can conclude, that many cultures in Middle-earth had an aversion to constructing buildings intended for religious purposes. Maybe they also had an aversion towards "worshipping" forms of rituals, precisely because they associated such actions with their archnemeses such as Melkor, Sauron, etc. As an author, Tolkien generally presented these peoples respect for the Higher Powers of the world in the form of humility and introspection, rather than on the level of worshipping idols.  
  • kyêrme - pron. kyérma, kyér-muh - "prayer" - kyermë, "prayer" (Q.), erukyermë, "Prayer to Eru" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms.
  • manô - pron. manoo (-oo as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "spirit" (also in a figurative sense), "supernatural being" - manô, "spirit", "supernatural being" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term.
  • mandyôz - pron. mandyooz (-oo- as in "door" or "a" in "hall") - "the Gift of Men" - mand-, word root for "(final) fate", a reference to Mandos, the Vala guarding the Halls of Mandos, yôz, "gift" (Ad.) - More literally "the gift of final fate". Ľudia v Arde majú ten dar, že sú skutoční smrteľníci a nemusia sa trápiť s nárokmi nesmrteľnosti ako elfovia (elfské duše aj po násilnom úmrtí odchádzajú do Amanu, kde sa časom môžu inkarnovať do nových tiel, ale ľudské a pravdepodobne aj hobitie a trpasličie duše odchádzajú na iné miesto, možno do čisto duchovného sveta). 
  • tûrsak (Ad.), tûrsac (W.) - pron. toor-suck, tour-suck - "barrow", "barrow grave", "burial mound" - tûr, "barrow", "burial mound", "barrow grave" (EdL), sarch, "grave", "burial mound" (S.) - Derived from the aforementioned terms from Edain languages and the aforementioned Sindarin term.


Cultural and social occupations

  • dandalar, dandalîr, dandalrat - pron. dandalar, dandaleer, dandaleerat - "harper" (sg.), "harpers" (pl.), "a pair of harpers" (dl.) - dandal, "harp" (P-AdW) - Derived from the newly-introduced term for "harp".
  • nituhalad, nitudazgar - pron. nituhalad, nitudazgar - "fireman", "fire-fighter" - nite, "fire" (P-AdW), halad, "guard" (EdL), azgar, "warrior" (Ad.) - A fire-queller, a fireman. Literally "fire-guard" and "fire-warrior"/"fire-fighter" (a "warrior against fire", "a fighter against fire").
  • sivârhalad, kadarhalad, lômihalad - pron. sivaarhalad, kadarhalad, loomihalad (-oo- in "door") - "city guard", "night watchman" - sivâra, "peace" (P-AdW), kadar, "city" (Ad.), lômi, "night" (Ad.), halad, "guard" (EdL) - Literally "peace-guard(ian)", "city-guard" and "night-guard".
  • zôri, zôrî - pron. zoori, zooree (-oo- in "door") - "nurse", "nurses" - zôrî, "nurse", "wetnurse" (Ad.) - Canon Adunaic term. The plural is newly-introduced.

Terminology related to artisan occupations and other manual occupations can be found in the article on the economy, crafts and trade.


Abstract and figurative terms

  • amaryôz - pron. amaryooz (-oo- as in "door") - "fortune", "good luck" - amarto, amar-, "fate" (Q. root), yôz, "gift" (Ad.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya word root and the canon Adunaic term. Literally "fate-gift".
  • lakiz - pron. lakiz - "clarity" - liquis, "clarity", "intelligibility" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya word root that means "clarity", "transparency", "intelligibility".
  • manabêth - pron. manabéth - "thought", "idea" - manô, "holy spirit", "higher spirit" (Ad.), bêth, "word", "term", "vyexpression", "saying" (Ad.) - Derived from canon Adunaic terms. Literally "spiritual expression", "soul-expression".
  • niyir - pron. niyir - "sorrow", "grief", "lament" - nairë, naire, "sorrow", "lament" (Q.), nyérë, "grief" (Q.), nië, nírë, "tear" (Q.) - Derived from the aforementioned Quenya terms.
  • ranuzâira - pron. ranuzaayra - "homesickness", "a yearning for home" - ran(u), "home" (P-AdW), zâira, "longing (for)", "desire" (Ad.) - Derived from the canon Adunaic term and from a partly derived newly-introduced term.
  • yôzkastar - pron. yoozkastar (-oo- as in "door") - "precious gift", "treasure-as-gift", "tribubte" - yôz, "gift" (Ad.), kastar, "treasure" (W.) - Derived from the aforementioned canon Adunaic term and aforementioned canon Westron term.
  • zigirbêth, zihirbêth - pron. zigirbéth, zihirbéth - "wise saying", "wise idiom" - zigirla, zihirla, "wise" (P-AdW), bêth, "word", "expression", "expressing (of something)", "saying" (Ad.) - Derived from the newly-introduced P-AdW adjectival term and from the canon Adunaic term.


External links


Elfdict.com:   æfterra ġēola (OE), word (Ad.), ēastre (OE), ēastermōnaþ (OE), Hreþmōnaþ (OE), liquis (Q.), quínë(a) (Q.), qíne (EvQ),

Wiktionary: Solmónaþ (OE), ēastre (OE), ēastermōnaþ (OE),

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